Pastor, Registered Dietitian Nutritionist
Mount Pisgah AME Church, Princeton, NJ
Dr. Natalie Mitchem is first humbled by God to teach and preach His precious Word and share the “Good News” of salvation through Jesus. Dr. Natalie currently serves with God’s grace as the Executive Director of the AME International/Connectional Health Commission and is the Pastor of Quinn Chapel AME Church in Atlantic Highlands, New Jersey and formerly served as the First Episcopal District Health Commission Director.
She is the Health and Nutrition Manager for a Head Start/Early Head Start Program, Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, a Certified First Aid/CPR Instructor and Fitness Instructor. She holds a Bachelor of Science Degree Magna Cum Laude from the HBCU, North Carolina Central University (NCCU) with a concentration in Foods and Nutrition; and completed Nutrition Fellowship at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York during her Junior year at NCCU and a Master of Divinity Degree from Lutheran Theological Seminary in Pennsylvania. Dr. Natalie completed Doctor of Education Leadership Degree with a focus on Health and Wellness at American College of Education in 2021.
Dr. Natalie Mitchem was licensed and ordained in the New Jersey Annual Conference as an Intinerant Elder. While serving on the ministerial staff at Mother Bethel AME Church in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, she received her first pastoral appointment to St. John in Wayne, Pennsylvania where she served for 5 years. She served 5 years as the Pastor of Calvary AME Church in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and she is presently the Pastor of Quinn Chapel AME Church in Atlantic Highlands, New Jersey. Dr. Natalie has appeared on Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN) in Philadelphia, written articles for Heart and Soul Magazine, AME Christian Recorder and participated as a nutrition expert speaker for Philadelphia (Black Women Health Alliance) area Prime Time Sister Circle. She participated as an expert researcher for Black and Latino Clergy Health – Louisville Institute Research Project with the Rev. Dr. Melinda Contretras-Bryd. The research is now included in a book titled “Saving the Lives of Black and Latinx Pastors, A Self Care Study” authored by Rev. Dr. Melinda Contreras-Bryd.
Dr. Natalie was a guest nutrition expert speaker at the Tom Joyner Take a Loved One to the Doctor Philadelphia event and hosted her own radio show “Kingdom Wellness with Pastor Natalie”. She served as the editor for the AME/CHC Health Monitor magazine. She provides monthly wellness information online at www.AMEChealth.org and www. kingdomwellnesspastornatalie.com. The AME/CHC magazine won the Health Monitors 2014 PM360 Trail Blazer Award. Dr. Natalie coordinated the PA CHIP Health Insurance enrollment and outreach in 2008 and 2009 where the First Episcopal Health Commission was recognized for enrolling thousands of children and teens in Children’s Health Insurance Program. She was awarded the United Healthcare Stellar Award in 2015 for her work with CHIP outreach and enrollment in Pennsylvania.
Dr. Natalie conducted healthy cooking demonstrations for the American Heart Association at the New York Circle of Sisters at Javis Center annually in October for two years. In May 2017, she was awarded the American Heart Association Woman of Distinction Go Red Award Garden State New Jersey. In November 2017, she was awarded The Black Caucus Health Worker of American Public Health Association Outstanding Faith Based Organization Award and Certificate of Special Congressional Recognition for community service in the International Health Commission signed by Congressman John Lewis. In 2019 and 2020, she was a presenter at the Love Fellowship Tabernacle Women’s Empowerment on Faith and Food and a panelist presenter at PCJC Holy Convocation on Healthy Eating and COVID-19. Bishop Hezekiah Walker hosted both events. In 2022, was guest speaker of low sodium food choices hosted by The Word Church, Cleveland, Ohio, Rev. Dr. Vernon, and Dr. Victory Vernon.
Dr. Natalie and Dr. Miriam Burnett established July as Faith Based Wellness, Health, Nutrition & Fitness to encourage the AME Church and all faith-based communities to promote wellness, prevention, and empower clergy and congregants to take charge of their health. In addition, established August as Clergy and Clergy Family Wellness month to encourage all clergy to address their own personal health and to promote family wellness, relationship wellness, financial wellness, and spiritual wellness for clergy and clergy families.
Dr. Natalie is certified in Plant Based Nutrition cooking and conducts culinary nutrition cooking classes focused on fighting and preventing disease. She is Certified in Plant Based Nutrition from the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition, Culinary Rx, Forks Over Knives Plant-Based Certified and Professional Chef Plant Nutrition Certification from Rouxbe Cooking School. In February 2018, Dr. Natalie led the partnership with Rouxbe the World’s Largest Online Culinary School to establish the first online faith-based culinary and nutrition program – AME Culinary RX. Dr. Scott Stoll the founder of Plantrician Project and Culinary Rx – Rouxbe team and International Health Commission of the AME Church worked together to create and launch a Faith Based Online Nutrition and Wellness Culinary Cooking Course.
The Culinary Rx – Taste and See events, in partnership with the American Cancer Society help to launch the AME Health Commission Culinary RX 60-Day Journey to Wellness. Dr. Natalie and the AME Health Commission team invited faith-based organizations to take a Culinary RX Journey to improve health and to fight disease. There is good news – healthy food choices, rest, faith, and lifestyle medicine can help fight, prevent, stop, and reverse many preventable diseases and Culinary RX presents evidenced based nutrition research and culinary skills. Dr. Natalie inspires individuals to enjoy colorful nutrient dense “plant-based foods” as the “main” dish and meat as a side dish along with enjoying meatless meals.
Dr. Natalie is a member of Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist with Commission of Dietetics Registration, certified Personal Trainer with the National Council on Strength and Fitness, and National Safety Council First Aid and CPR Instructor, Preceptor for Dietetic students at Montclair State University in NJ, and Peer Reviewer for the International Journal of Disease Prevention and Reversal. She is member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., a volunteer Ambassador for the American Heart Association and mother of two wonderful daughters. Dr. Natalie has many favorite scriptures including Psalm 91; Daniel 1:11-17; Matthew 4:23-25; Galatians 5: 22-25; 3 John 2; Luke 4:14-19; Romans 8:28-39, and Revelation 22: 1-7.
Promote spiritual, physical, emotional, mental, and financial health wellness by walking with the Jesus (the Word), Holy Spirit, a personal relationship with God and healthy food choices (mostly plant-based from the garden), plenty of water, proper sleep, manage stress, and your sneakers (daily fitness/activity).