The Perspective of Prostate Cancer Through The Lens of A Doctor And Prostate Cancer Survivor Watch Video
Dr. Jackson L. Davis III was born in Washington, D.C. in 1944 and received his education and medical training from the D.C. Public School System, Howard University, Howard University College of Medicine, Freedmen’s Hospital and Howard University Hospital in Washington, D.C.
He practiced Urology for over thirty years in both academic and clinical medicine at Howard University College of Medicine, Howard University, D.C. General and Providence Hospitals.
Dr. Davis then served as the Coordinator for the Men’s Health Initiative of the D.C. Department of Health
for two years. Presently he is a medical examiner and Medical Director at the Northside Medical Services Corporation in northeast Washington, D.C.
Dr. Davis is a member of the Executive Board of the Howard University Medical Alumni Association (HUMAA); member of the Judicial Council of the National Medical Association and serves as treasurer of the Medico-Chirurgical Society of D.C. (the local affiliate of the NMA)
Masonic Brother Davis is directly involved with Health and Wellness education as the Director (emeritus) with the MWPHGL-DC (Prince Hall Masons); serves as the Chief of Medical Services with the Imperial Medical Department of the A.E.A.O.N.M.S. (Prince Hall Shriners). Serves as a member of the Health and Wellness Committee of the United Supreme Council-DC Southern Jurisdiction, USA, PHA.
Additionally, Dr. Davis is a thirty-three-year veteran of the United States Air Force, having served on active duty, USAF Reserve and the D.C. Air National Guard. The General is a Command Flight Surgeon with more than 800 flying hours. His assignments have included, Flight Medical Officer and Clinic Commander, USAF Clinic, Tainan, Taiwan; Chief of Aeromedical Services, Malcolm Grow Medical Center, Andrews, AFB, MD; 910th Clinic Commander, Youngstown AFB, Youngstown, Ohio; State Air Surgeon, Headquarters DCANG, Washington, DC and finally as the National Guard Advisor to the Command Surgeon, Air Mobility Command, Scott AFB, Illinois.
General Davis has received numerous awards and citations including the Air Force Commendation Medal with one oak leaf cluster and the Meritorious Service Medal with two oak leaf clusters.
Dr. Davis is truly dedicated to the THREE M’s : MEDICINE; MILITARY; MASONRY!!!