Prostate Cancer Survivor
Llewellyn “Llew” Fambles was diagnosed with prostate cancer in February of 2019. At the time it was slow-moving and slow growing. Llew is a retired IT executive who grew up in the East Texas towns of Big Sandy and Longview. Three of his four living maternal uncles have been diagnosed with prostate cancer as has his brother and four of his male cousins. Llew is scheduled to undergo robotic radical surgery on September 6th. It has been a learning journey for him even though there is such a deep history of prostate cancer in his family. He is hoping to understand why the African American male population is so disproportionately affected by prostate cancer. Is there something about the behavior, the diet, or the environment that impacts us so differently? He is divorced, the father of two children, and loves to travel. He is a graduate of The University of Texas at Austin and Prairie View A&M University.