Adrian Backus, JD, MDiv

Prostate Health Education Network, Inc. (PHEN)
Director of Church Partnerships and Community Outreach
Adrian Backus JD, MDiv, has more than thirty (30) years’ experience as an executive in educational and religious institutions, international assistance programs and industry. Mr. Backus holds a B.A. in Political Science from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Juris Doctorate from Howard University School of Law, and Masters of Divinity, from Princeton Theological Seminary. He currently serves as Director for Partnership Development and Outreach for the Prostate Health Education Network (PHEN). Additionally, He served for 15 years as Princeton Theological Seminary’s first, vice president for information technology, prior to that, as Director of Institutional Research and Strategic Planning, as well as, Assistant Director for Student Advisement. In 2003-2005, during his vice presidency, Adrian also served as, Interim pastor of St.
Paul Baptist Church, Montclair, New Jersey; with a focused ministry on congregational care and ministerial outreach. In 2013 and 2015, for the CME Church Ninth Episcopal District Mid- Winter Councils, Mr. Backus lectured and led workshops on, estate planning and church giving. From 2014-2016, Mr. Backus served as Assistant Dean for the Rutgers University higher education prison degree granting program in 9 prisons through-out New Jersey.
Adrian’s other experience includes serving as; general counsel for an information technology company and as, a U.S. Department of State diplomatic escort officer and country director in Rwanda and Senegal Africa, for Africare. Adrian is married for 41 years, to Abiola. Their children and grandchildren include, his daughter, Sikira, husband Sidiki; two grandsons, Cody and Maddox, and one grand daughter, Jocelyn Eliana; his son, Joel and grandson Jeremiah, and his daughter, Adria Joi.